Featured Projects
TAF (Technical assistance facility) of Ethiopia’s Innovative finance lab (IFL)
The IFL (Innovative Finance Lab) is a collaborative initiative between The National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) and United Nations Development Program (UNDP), aimed at advancing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by promoting access to finance. A key component of the IFL, the Technical Assistance Facility (TAF), supports SMEs and startups to ensure they are investment-ready.
For this program, R&D, in partnership with MDF, developed a comprehensive training curriculum, organized sessions to upskill trainers, and trained over 90 growth-oriented SMEs. The SMEs were supported in developing viable business plans and financial projections. Significant emphasis was placed on helping SMEs identify realistic investment needs based on their financial capabilities. This was achieved with the guidance of finance experts through Business Development Services. At the end of the program, all the SMEs had the opportunity to pitch their businesses to banks, with the best SMEs being awarded a $5,000 grant as bridge finance.